kohitsuji recording


About Us

All the Perks

Art is not just about completing the task, but to show your character and core values.  At Kohitsuji we will cater your needs and guide you thru the creative process with a fine-touch and presentation of your MIND.

Amazing Theaters

Why not listening back to your music in our theatre with different speakers and system

Comfort Amenities

With the view and bar we assure your comfortless while working hard on your mixes

State of the Art equiptment

Eventhough small, our studio has all the necessary toys to craft what you want

Our Story

Kohitsuji, in Japanese it means infant lamb.  It symbolizes being a child of God and following his guidance to create music that pleases Him.  Jason started this humble creative hub years ago with this vision.  He started with a basement of used and cheap equipment and a bunch of self-taught knowledges.


Happy Producers

Why Choose Us

He doesn’t just do the job right…he inspires and crafts our songs with heart…

Great Value!  We cannot find a more affordable studio that can do all we need with the flexibility…

This studio has taste, not just all those basic equiptments other studio offers…and more importantly, Jason himself spices up your creation.

Kohitsuji Studio

The Creation begins

about Us

Compact Self-monitored recording studio.  Digital mixing & recording for budgetted audio projects.  Professional equiptment and engineering.  


Please contact us for rates and detailed services.  Customized projects and packages available. Email us: [email protected]